Twenty-seven hours seperate Coachella from Carbondale, according to Mapquest, but we're embracing the opportunity to cruise through America's southwest in a nearly three-decades old American-made piece of engineering. We need to play this cool. We walk a fine line between gorgeous, scenic cruise and four sweaty dudes cramped in a Buick.
With more than 60 days ticking away, we have begun to carefully lay out our playlist. Mellow indie bands to ease us through the misery of Oklahoma. Rage Against the Machine as the Sun rises in Albuquerque. The Arcade Fire as the Sun sets in Texas. We stand to see some beautiful scenary.
The logistics scare us a bit. What are we to eat? How about a cooler of 40 sandwiches and fresh fruit? Sounds good to me. Here's some more stuff to be included: ear plugs for those who want sleep on this non-stop ride, bottles for the urine, Scattergories, an atlas, playing cards in the back and a foot massager. We already feel thankful we have this massive, maroon Buick to ferry us to our destination.
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