For this part of the trip, we stay on US 60 West through Sprinfield, Mo., take a quick switch there and then hit I-44 West, which takes us into Oklahoma.
Excitement should still run high for this leg of the trip. We won’t have made a stop yet, and we’ll be through here by late afternoon. I’ve driven all over Missouri, occasionally with family, once and a while with school trips and never really by strong personal choice. There’s nothing terribly exciting about cruising through Missouri.
This means we’ll need a strong play list during this part. We should be coming into Springfield before 6 p.m. and no where near sunset. Anyone familiar with the state can tell you there won’t be much to look at.
Music and conversation stand to carry us. We won’t hit six hours in the car until right around Oklahoma, so nobody will be fed up yet. Shouldn’t be too bad.
Estimated travel times: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Photo caption: image taken from google image search, black line drawn on by author as an approximation of the route we must take.
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